
How Football Is Played


Football was first played in Scotland as early as the fifteenth century. The Act of 1424, which prohibited the game, was repealed in 1906. A 1633 document dated from Aberdeen shows schoolboys playing “football” with a ball that was passed from player to player. The word “pass” has been associated with the game since ancient times. But it is not clear whether the term came from kicking or striking the ball between teammates.

A game of football has two distinct phases: offensive and defensive plays. The first is called the scrimmage and involves a team that lines up on either side of the field. The offensive team starts play on one side of the field, while the defense starts play on the other side. The offensive player passes the ball between his legs to his teammate, called the “ball carrier”. This player then runs with the ball, known as rushing. In some games, the ball-carrier will also hand the ball off to another player.

In the game, the goal is to score more goals than the opposition in 90 minutes of play. If a team is tied at the end of 90 minutes, the game is a draw. Some matches may go to extra time, or to penalty shootouts in cup competitions.