
The History of Football


During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, football spread across Europe. The development of modern football was closely connected with the industrialization of Victorian Britain. Football became popular with working-class people, who sought a new form of leisure. Consequently, leading clubs began charging admission to spectators and players began being paid.

In 1884, the issue of professionalism reached a crisis in England. The Football Association (FA) sanctioned payment of players a year later.

During the late nineteenth century, many skilled players were from Scotland. They also played in the French version of football, which had become popular in England. These players benefited from a large fan base and the ability to attract better players.

Football became popular in the United States, particularly in the Ivy League. It was second only to baseball among team sports. Football was also popular among working-class people in England.

Football is a team sport played on a rectangular field by two teams of 11 to 18 players. The objective of the game is to move the ball into the opponent’s end zone. Each team has four downs in which it must move the ball ten yards. If the team fails to reach the end zone after four downs, it is penalized. The penalty can be one of three types.

An incomplete pass is one in which the ball flies out of bounds or is caught before it touches the ground. In an attempt to gain extra yards, an offensive player may attempt a field goal. A player may also run with the ball. Alternatively, a player may pass the ball to another teammate.