
The Sociology of Sports


Sports are a form of entertainment, but it also teaches people to be more disciplined and fair. It also teaches that losing is not a disgrace, but should be taken with grace. And finally, it teaches the value of persistence. With the right attitude, success is just around the corner. Sports teach us to be patient and persistent, regardless of circumstances.

The sociology of sports began in the 1920s, when the German scholar Heinz Risse published his book, Sociology of Sport. Then, in 1966, an international committee of sociologists established a journal to study the role of sports in society. Since then, many universities have established centres for the study of sport.

While some cultures resisted Western sports, others have embraced them and created indigenous forms. One example of this is the growing popularity of Asian martial arts. Other global processes are challenging prevailing attitudes towards gender roles in sports. For example, Asian and African cultures are challenging western ideas about masculinity. In some cases, the underlying cultural values of the sports are at stake, as well as the national character.

In general, sports involve intense physical activity. A participant moves from side to side, often gaining momentum and increasing his or her strength. The physical exertion can lead to sweating and exhaustion. Moreover, it helps develop the body part used in the sport.